Saturday, May 22, 2010

The journey!! :)

Bangalooru or the anglicized version Bangalore was where we were headed just as our exams ended. But the excitement knew no bounds and started man way before! Since we realized we were going to do a project in IIM B our day-dreaming sessions were never-ending. We even went to the end of googling up Bangalore whenever possible to see what all we could do. Bangalore is a great place whose history runs for more than 1000 years back! This place has received it name from its ancient name Bengaval-uru or the City of guards. Even now this place acts as the guard of the unlimited dreams of many! ;)
Back to our trip, which I would was one of the most memorable ones I have had. Maybe because I haven’t been travelling much lately either. As the last exam ended, actually left way before it ended, just couldn’t write any more stories ;), I rushed out as I had chalked out my plans for the whole afternoon. We had to evacuate our rooms, which was the top on my list. For the endless amount of stuff I owned and the nostalgia attached that I couldn’t ditch any either. After 4 to 5 hours of intense packing, running around for packing tape, packing for Bangalore and interspersed moments of interesting gossiping session (come on we wouldn’t be able to do this face to face chat for the next 2.5 months!!), I was literally drenched in sweat. And then I started numbering my cartons which I believe ended with 8! The worst task was coaxing my roommate to help me transport these 8 cartons, 4 suitcases and other minor stuff to the dump room some 10-12 rooms apart! But the senti worked and thanks to her I got a decent corner in the room to stuff my goods!!
And now for the journey.. Train was around 8.somethin, train that night but none of us knew the timings: D Decided to leave at around 6.30 but as such packing, bidding farewell to the seniors jus went longer than expected and we at last managed to leave ravenous around 7. Once in the cab, well seated all of us were busy keying our text adieus to our friends. Managed to make it to sangeeta’s our regular food destination while travelling home, but there the cab driver refused to wait till we finished hogging! As I don’t know how it happened but I was the only Tamil speaking person in the whole group and had to do all the haggling: D maybe because my bargaining skills are exceptional B) or they couldn’t bear my Tamil , anyway we immediately got what we asked for :D Had to rush through dinner but no we were slowly eating enjoying savoring the taste and by the time realization struck we just had to rush to the street with our million bags and start hailing a auto. I don’t know how but some 10-15 pieces of baggage easily fit into an auto!! Hail autos! But their pricing, leaving me alone again to fight with him and next with the porter! It was a great time we had with the porter as all this luggage had to be moved till platform no: 2 on a single big trolley with bags falling down at every other moment, and when we had to go down a slope and pull it up the other man, serious work there! And whenever any train wailed we were like, gone is our train! We like walked till the end of platform no: 1 and reached platform no: 2 from there dropping everyone at their respective compartments, and lo! Ours was s11 the last compartment, we broke into a run at last. Hurriedly threw all pieces of luggage inside just to realize we had one of our friends ticket, and she was happily just searching her name on the list, ran back again and as we got jus settled in the train, there came heavy rains! Whoa just saved and there at last our train wailed and off were we! :)


Gaya said...

haha :D you've jotted down every person's experience :P

vasudha said...

i agree :)...nice post...hey anki! give me ur blore no...ure in iim still? ask ashaya for mine..