Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Beggining!!

Ahh.. At last im writing my first ever blog:), which was what I was thinking for like ages but could never convince myself to actually get up and do…and even now I’m like dead shocked… It was the lecture by Ms.Bansal on blogging, which actually got mental wheels churning… She had come to our college for the same, for which me and my friend (another aspirant who maybe can race me in the art of laziness;)) had planned to attend.. And at the same our wretched math papers had to be distributed (which took loadsa time). After that somehow when we reached the Audi the first line we heard was ‘And I conclude by saying…’ but like any other lecture conclusion went on for another 20 mins..Which I would was pretty interesting to get me hooked…
What the hell am I doing??? Writing has never been my forte… maybe talking endlessly crap (if it can be considered as something sane)… but then blogging??
Always wanted to try it out but then there was something pulling me back… some of those invisible and seemingly invincible threads of apprehension and laziness always kept me away… Believe me it took loads of determination to actually get me to do this… (Sounds as if I did some super hi-funda robbery…)
Who am I? Some question I can just keep asking without getting an answer ever.. I could call myself another eating talking homo sapien walking totally aimlessly on the face of earth…. Or maybe call myself like calvin (of calvin and hobbes fame) ‘we’re just tiny specks on a planet particle, hurling through the infinite blackness’ ;)Just hoping I can keep the excitement alive and go on…:)

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