Hello!:) Its seriously a very VERY(emphasis) long time since I've put up any post.I simply cant pin point any reason for that too. I definitely cant say that I didn't have time or something like I was too busy:D but somehow couldn't pull myself to write. whenever something funny or thought provoking happened in my life I used to always think "Ah ah I should write about this and that", and at time when I'll be simply sitting obviously without the comp.Then I sit up and think of ways of putting up the various ideas of mine and then put up this and that and all.. but it never happens. Seriously procrastination is every ones enemy.. closes in to us like a friend indeed;) but then do we lately maybe or may not we realise the harm it causes. I've just never been able to even think about all this..
i still have no clue about why am i cribbing about all this here.. but i just guessed that maybe if i write and let myself know about my laziness i may come out of it.. hoping to kick start my blog again!!:)
All the best to me!!:)